Merrill D'cruz, Counselor and Coach in Singapore
MCouns, BSc (Psychology), Member of Singapore Psychological Society (SPS)

Our private coaching application is limited each year. I want to invest my focus, energy, and time with a select group who are frustrated with their status quo and want to make an exponential and powerful difference in their lives.

My coaching style is a hybrid of both counselling and coaching.

Our coaching will cover four pillars of your life – your mindset, health, relationships, and wealth. Please read on before deciding if this is the right program for you. 

Coaching is for you if

  • You are frustrated over your status quo.
  • You are successful in at least one of these dimensions (Vocation, , Relationships, Health and wealth) but are looking to play full out in all four dimensions.
  • You are different from your family and most of your friends.
  • You are a risk-taker.
  • Your family resists any opportunity that you have to grow and expand.
  • You are sometimes afraid to take the first step, but know that you will see tremendous results when you take the first step.
  • You acknowledge that life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived.
  • You want to live at a higher frequency and experience a full life. 

      Coaching is NOT for you if  

  • You cannot commit to playing full out over 12 months.
  • You are unwilling to be comfortable and prefer to pay for a solution instead of working hard.
  • You are signing up on impulse without considering how this coaching may impact your personal or work commitments.
  • You intend to get someone else to fund your coaching expenses.
  • You only want to experience the successes and not the failures.


How it works?

We will have 3X personal coaching calls or face to face sessions (1hr sessions) and a 2hr intensive session once a month. If you live outside of Singapore, you can attend our intensive via zoom. During each 2hr intensive session, we will dive deep into the four pillars of our coaching group – your mindset, health, relationships, and wealth.

Please note that my coaching group is limited and I am selective of my clients. I encourage you to be selective as well to see if this is the right fit for you.

If you have read the above criteria for coaching and are interested in signing up, please download and read the FLOWSOPHY MANIFESTO. If you are still interested, do get in touch with me for a complimentary phone call to see if we can work with each other. 

addiction coaching